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ChatPlace gamification setup
ChatPlace gamification setup

How to set up ChatPlace gamification on Instagram and get awesome results.

Alex Juna avatar
Written by Alex Juna
Updated over a week ago

What is ChatPlace gamification?

This is a new way to increase audience engagement in the certain Instagram profile using game mechanics. Here's how it works:

  • Each user automatically receives gamification points for activity in the profile. Only unique activities with different types of content are considered: reactions, story mentions, comments in stories, live broadcasts, Reels and DM.

  • The profile owner offers the audience to exchange gamification points for real values (prizes, free services, discounts) under certain conditions. The conditions may be as follows:

    • to score a certain number of points (loyalty program),

    • to take prizes by the number of points (competition).

    There can be many conditions for awarding points, we will present them in a separate article.

  • Knowing the possibility of getting prizes (or other values), the audience get's highly engaged in the content.

  • High audience engagement increases the reach and appearance of account content in the recommendations to new users. Thus the profile gets new followers as well as increased audience engagement.

Gamification setup

Gamification setup takes no more than 10 minutes. You will definitely need more time to work out the idea of gamification and configure the automations that will increase efficiency of your gamification.

Step 1. Sign up and connect your Instagram account.

Step 2. Go to the Growth tools section and select the first item - Gamification. To create a new game, click the New game button.

Points Settings

Here you can set the number of points for each unique activity with a certain type of content: comments, reactions, marks in stories.

Let's analyze each of the points in more detail.


1. Points for comments - the amount of points will you give for each unique comment under posts and reels.

The user will not be able to get more points if several comments are left under the same post. This means that only unique activities are counted.

2. Max actions per day - how many comments per day a user should leave in order to get points. If you specify "2", the user will get points only for 2 unique comments under different publications.

3. Minimum characters - how many characters should be in the comments to count them. You can specify «1» if you want to count any comments, or, for example, «30» so that users leave longer meaningful and unique comments, which stimulates the issuance of corresponding posts in recommended.

4. Extra points - this is the number of extra bonus points that users will receive additionally if they leave comments in a specified period of time after the publication of a certain post.

For example, if you give 30 bonus points for an ordinary comment, and extra points = 60, then the player who left the comment in a specified period of time will get 30 + 60 = 90 bonus points.

5. Minutes for extra points - here you indicate the period when comment should be done to receive.

That is, if you specify 60 minutes (1 hour), then each user in the game who leaves a comment within 60 minutes after the publication of particular content (photo, reels) will receive «extra points».

Live Comments

1. Points for live comment - here you set the number of bonus points for live comments.

In our case, the user will get 300 bonus points for 1 comment left in 1 live stream. This is provided to reduce spam and that all participants are on an equal footing.

2. Max actions per day - the number of comments that are considered per day.

If you select «2», then you will give 300 points for comments during two different live streams per day.

Story Mention

1. Points for story mention - the number of points for one mention of your account in stories (post reposts are not considered).

❗️It's important to keep in mind and notify followers that you can count story mentions only from open accounts (those that you can see when you are not following).

2. Max actions per day - the number of story mentions per day for which you will give points.

Story reaction

1. Points for story reply - this feature is required for accounts with more than 50,000 followers. In such accounts, reactions do are not alway visible in Direct, which may cause incorrect points count by the service. Therefore, for accounts with more than 50,000 subscribers, you need to count not reactions, but story replies.

Story reply is any message, whether it is a reaction or some word, symbol, but which the user entered manually and sent in response to the story (see example below).

2. Points for story reaction/reply - the number of points for a reaction or reply to a story.

3. Max actions per day - the maximum number of reactions/replies to stories per day.

Game settings

The second section of gamification settings.

Here you define the criteria for selecting participants of the game from all Instagram users.

Join game - here you can add accounts of other bloggers or brands connected to ChatPlace to organize a joint game and exchange audience..

1. Game is for followers only - this item means that only account followers can take part in the game.

We recommend enabling it to encourage following your profile everyone who wants to participate in the game.

2. Limit accounts by the number of followers - here you can choose whether to limit participation in the game by the number of followers or not.

We recommend to set at least 10-50 followers to avoid fake accounts / dummy accounts created specifically for playing the game. In the rules, you can also mention that you will not reward those who have fake accounts.

3. Allow to the game only with the selected tags - with this setting, you can add to the game those users who have been assigned certain tags (4) in one automation (chatbots).

For example, you can add to the game and assign the "ingame" tag to those who texted in DM "I'm in the game" and thereby launched a chatbot with rules. We will separately explain how to assign such a tag inside the chatbot constructor.

5. Action counter reset time - this is the time at which the daily action counter is reset (in UTC time zone).

What does it mean?

When calculating bonus points, you specify daily limits. For example: 10 reactions per day. This means that if a follower left 10 reactions, then he needs to wait a day so that he may again leave reactions to new stories and receive bonus points.

This is not always convenient, because a subscriber can visit your blog before going to bed, leave reactions and run into limits. And in the morning you will have new stories, and he will also want to receive new bonus points, but if you do not specify the time to reset the daily count limits, then he will not gain any points until a full day has passed since the last action.

Therefore, we recommend that you specify the time at which the daily bonus points limit is reset. For example: 5 AM. In this case, if the follower leaves reactions before 4 AM and hits the limits, then after 5 AM they will again be able to gain bonus points up to the limit.

This allows everyone to be on an equal footing and not to wait exactly 24 hours from the last action each time.

6. Link to the game - here you come up with a link by which the leaderboard will be available to all participants of the game.

This is what the standings look like by reference. It shows all the participants of the game, arranged in descending order of the number of points. It also contains information on conditions and prizes.

You can place a link to the leaderboard in the profile header, stories, or you can send in through the chatbot after user writes the trigger word you specified.

We will separately explain how to set up such chatbots.

Game description

The third section in the gamification setup is Game description (a description of the game that will be visible on the landing page presenting the leaderboard).

Here you should write the name of the game, how long it will last, how many prize positions you have, what gifts you give or what you give for a certain number of bonus points.

For example:

ReelsMentor Game

A game where there are no losers, but where everyone can become a winner and get my Reels Training for free.

To do this, you need to score only 10,000 points. How to do it? Please read the section «How to get bonus points?.

Game will last only 7 days.

Start game

1. After creating the game, you can start it by selecting Start game.

2. If you want to edit the game, click Edit.

❗️After starting the game, you will not be able to edit points settings. Therefore, carefully check all the settings before starting.

3. You can also remove unwanted accounts from the leaderboard by selecting the «Ban users» option.

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