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Recommendations for implementing Gamification
Recommendations for implementing Gamification

Run an engaging game with our tips

Alex Juna avatar
Written by Alex Juna
Updated over 9 months ago

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Gamification is a good way to engage your existing audience with your content, stimulate subscriber loyalty to the author, and increase sales.

Important things to keep in mind

  • It's not a panacea. Gamification works effectively only in conjunction with thoughtful, regular and quality content for the target audience.

  • Gamification is not suitable for accounts with a lot of bots or a "dead" audience that doesn't interact with content.

  • Before launching a game, make sure that there are subscribers who might be interested in it in some way. You can check this through surveys, polls, voting, or identifying demand for a prize pool.

  • This is a great way to engage the audience in the product, so it is most effective to launch the game during the phase of active sales of courses/goods/services.

When should you implement Gamification?

  1. When you want to talk about the author in an interactive format, communicate the value of the product and make more sales by retaining coverage through high engagement in Stories and reels.

  2. You have a very active loyal audience that trusts you and you want to attract a lot of new subscribers by raffling off something of value to your loyal fans. (Subscribers will come from mentioning in Stories and giving away content in recommendations due to the high % of interaction with the video).

  3. You want to create a loyalty program where every current and new subscriber will earn points for activity. (Points they can subsequently redeem for your products.) This way you can get a lot of organic traffic from reposts, recommendations and mentioning your account.

  4. You want to create a WOW effect and engage your subscribers into an emotional drive: they will warm up to you and your products quicker. This will create a lot of sales as a result.

  5. You wish to transfer your audience into your commercial account or have an interactive collaboration with a blogger by launching a game together. Since you can make a game just for subscribers, they will sign up for both accounts with higher conversion rates.

  6. You want to make very quick sales and increase interest in the product during the sale. For example: "Black Friday", "New Year", "Pancake Day", "Birthday".

Which game format to choose?

In fact, you can come up with your own unique bundle of the games. We provide you with a constructor, and you work with it as you like. But there are already several working formats that you can use in your projects.

1. A game lasting 5-7 days, where there is a very large prize pool of 50-100 places. Where for the first 3-10 places subscribers get the most valuable gifts, and 100 places consolation (such as promo codes, discounts, free lessons, checklists). Also during such a game you can give gifts to everyone who accumulates some amount of points.

2. A game in which the winners are determined every 2-3 days of the intermediate stage.

They receive gifts and, for example, go to the next stage, before which the points are reset.

Those who scored some points in the first stage can be tagged as "passed to the second stage" and only these users will be able to participate in it. In the game settings for the next stage, you can specify that points are awarded only to those who have such and such a tag. But you can also do without stages, dividing the game into several rounds with points coming to zero at the end of each round.

3. A game in which points are awarded only for comments during live broadcasts, mentioning or reactions in Stories.

For example, you can run a live marathon, and, to increase interest in it, connect gamification to give points for comments during live streams.

Dima Torgov’s case: he started live streams and opened comments only at the very end of each. This way subscribers were present until the end waiting to write a comment and get points: he increased the viewability of the broadcasts to the very end. And for comments during live streams he launched a bot that was selling a course with the Black Friday sale price. It was in December 2021: out of 500 viewers of the live stream on Instagram, over 300 people bought the course for 3000₽).

You can also give out code words during the live broadcast, for entering code words subscribers will get extra points (it is also an incentive to be present).

4. Loyalty program.

This is a game that can be put on your blog for a long term. For example, every new subscriber gets involved in a survey where they get points for correct answers and lose points for incorrect answers. The subscriber can find code words within your checklists, videos, or within your Stories, and get extra points for entering them. Or everyone can accumulate points by simply being active.

As a result, after accumulating the right amount of points, everyone can get a gift of their choice and get involved in your product.

5. The game for those who are Close Friends (CF). To play it, you need to put a tag (e.g. "CF") on each subscriber you add to the CF. And in the gamification settings choose to award points only to those who have this tag.

You can automate this game:

Add everyone to the CF -> in Stories for the CF tell everyone to write the necessary trigger word -> they write the word -> and the bot through block “Action” puts a tag on everyone who wrote this word -> then everyone who is in the CF shows some activity and appears in the tournament table.

Further you can make participation in the game a prerequisite for those who want to stay close friends and not lose the access to valuable information. The most active participants will receive a discount, for example, on your mentoring or course, and, for some amount of points, - free articles, video lessons or participation in group consulting.


  • If you are a big blogger with a large audience, it is better to choose the format of the game for 5-7 days with a large prize fund. You can also make the game jointly with several bloggers to create excitement and attract a lot of attention.

  • If you are a microblog, make the game in conjunction with extra points inside bots in Direct, code words in your content or your tutorials.

  • If you have a commercial account, a loyalty program or a quick game during sales is ideal in your case.

  • If you want to warm up the audience to your tutorial or course, the Close Friends game format is ideal for this.

That said, there is nothing stopping you from combining several formats into one and making a very interesting game with a variety of activities and different ways to collect points and get prizes.

Which gifts should I choose?

The best gift will be something of value to your target audience. The gift must be related to your niche, this way it will attract people who are motivated to participate in the game, be active every day and collect points.

List of gift ideas:

  • Cash for first places + mentioning in Stories

  • Free consultation

  • Free place on a course

  • Shared Reels

  • Gadgets

  • Accessories

  • Promo-certificates

  • Concert tickets

  • Photo-shoot

  • Website design

  • Discounts

  • Business consulting in a group

Remember that it's not the prizes themselves that are important, but the way you talk about them and the content you create during the game. Emotions and attention are of high importance to people.

Before launching the game

1. Before making an announcement of the game on the blog - be sure to check all the settings and go through each stage from another account yourself and ask someone else to take a look from the outside.

Very often we may not notice some mistakes because of so-called "blurred eyes" or "professional deformity".

2. Before announcing the game at least a week in advance, warm up the interest of the audience in Stories and reels.

Tell them that you are preparing something special and that everyone will be able to learn something new about you in an interesting format, receive benefits and valuable gifts.

Show in stories how you prepare these gifts, go to the store or order them. Tell how many prizes there will be and how you and your team are working hard to launch the system in a format that subscribers have probably never seen before.

Also announce the launch date of the game at least 3-7 days in advance so that everyone will be ready and it won't be a surprise for subscribers.

3. Check if you have any chatbots, which we recommend to run during the game:

  • A bot that explains the rules of the game step-by-step, checks subscriptions, provides a link to the standings, and tags a participant in the game (for possible future mailings or bots with actions only for those in the game)

  • A bot that gives out the actual number of points and the standings by the word "points".

  • A bot that will give out something useful for the first mention in the stories, or for different bonuses for every day mentioning .

This way subscribers will have even more interest to keep participating in the game and mention you every day. (This can be set up through a “Condition” block and day of the week check, where a different scenario is triggered depending on each day's relevance. For example, on monday - one logic, on tuesday - another).

4. Prepare in advance all the content in the feed that you will post during the game. (If you can get points for 2 comments per day, then make sure you have 2 pieces of content per day, if only for 1 comment, then 1 reels per day)

Also keep in mind that if you are awarding points for reactions in Stories, post at least the daily limit: if you award points for 20 reactions per day, post at the very least 20 Stories.

Because if you have Highlights, savvy subscribers will throw reactions to Stories into Highlights and get points for it, unlike those who will wait for your new stories. There is no way to regulate this point for now. But you can, in extreme cases, hide Highlights, so that even if you do not have a Story - no one can get new points. But, by experience, the amount of people who guess to put reactions on saved Stories - is less than 1%)

5. Make sure to post a video in reels announcing the game and explaining the terms and conditions. And also tell about it in detail in Stories. And explain in detail what you need to do to know the number of your points, how to use the tournament table, how and when the winners will be determined, what points are awarded for, what are the limits and restrictions, and other features of the game.

Make an emphasis on the fact that points are credited only for unique actions per one unit of content, i.e. 100 reactions to one story will not be counted, but only the first 🔥 per story within the limits set. And if you give more points for comments within some time after posting - emphasize that too, so that subscribers put a note on your content and don't miss out on new reels or posts.

Because someone will find out about it from the Stories, someone from the feed, and someone from a bot. It's important to utilize all channels (including telegram if you have one).

❗️Also you can emphasize, that for deleting mentioning in Stories, or marks in Close Friends - a participant will be removed from the game. (You can always program this in the settings of the running game by clicking on three dots.)

During the game

  1. Publish content every day in Stories and reels so that subscribers can get new points.

  2. Feel free to talk about your product and warm up the audience to it in Stories and reels. This is when the audience is most engaged and open to signups or sales.

  3. You can also hold a sales webinar during the game where you give code words for which subscribers can also get more points.

  4. Conduct surveys in Stories, ask open questions to get a better idea of what your audience is interested in or to see their reactions and feedback to your interactive game.

  5. Hold live streams where everyone can get extra points and learn better about you, your products or ask any questions. You can also connect a bot on these streams that will send a message with a gift for every comment that is related to your products.

  6. Organize some interesting events during the game to post content from new locations or in new formats to further elevate your reach and increase your audience's interest in the game and products.

  7. Remind them every day of what they need to do to win. Take questions from Direct, show who is currently in what place and add a link to the standings in the stories.

  8. You can actively invite your audience into your Telegram channel, for example, where you give even more valuable content, and where you can also hide code words for which subscribers can get extra points.

After the game is over

  1. After you have completed the game in the gamification settings by clicking on the three dots - check if you have turned off any bots that came with the game. Or you can add text to them that "The game is over, you can see the results in this video" -> and add a repost of the publication from the feed via a block “Action” inside the bot .

  2. Be sure to congratulate all the winners and record a video of the results.

  3. While the audience is hot you can move them to your webinar where you will open sales.

  4. Don't disappear from the blog after you finish the game. It's better to do it in a day or two, so the activity on your blog doesn’t stop abruptly.

How to run a game across multiple accounts?

Collaborative Gamification is a great tool for sharing audiences and customers between two or more accounts.

The settings and conditions, when you create Gamification, work on all connected accounts at once. But, of course, there are some special features:

  1. To start the game and get into the standings, the user needs to write something to each account to activate the 24-hour window. This could be running a bot in each account, which, for example, will check subscriptions and then write "If you are subscribed to all accounts and your blog meets the conditions, you are in the game".

  2. If you post a joint reels with an account you have a joint game with, the points will count as one unique action on the same blog, regardless of which account the subscriber leaves a comment on.

  3. If a subscriber unsubscribes from an account during the game, he/she will be dropped from the game.

Collaborative play has 2 purposes:

First: Audience sharing

For example, you want to make a collaboration with a blogger or with your commercial blog.

With a commercial blog, for example, you can make subscribers simply subscribe to it. But don’t be very active there, not to unfocus their attention. (It would be like subscribing to a second account just as a condition for accruing points.)

Dima Torgov’s case: launching the game with his second account “Reelsmentor", where during the game he only posted reels and reposted them into stories. And because of the dramatic growth of his blog, his reels started flying into top places. That gave him +700 subscribers during the game).

Second: Joint loyalty program

Here, if you have your own Instagram store, you can team up with a brand and organize a joint game where subscribers of both accounts can accumulate points by subscribing to both brands and then exchange the accumulated points for nice gifts that you agree on together.

Example: a club card, where by visiting different establishments I accumulate points, which I can then redeem at any establishment connected to the club loyalty program (as "thank you" bonuses from Sber).

If, after studying the whole instruction, you still have questions - forward them to the technical support, and we will be happy to help you!

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